Course curriculum

  • 01

    Module 1 - Conservation Authorities Act Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Conservation Authorities Act Introduction

    • Learning Check-In

    • Learning Check-In for MAC User

  • 02

    Module 2 - Section 28 - Conservation Authorities Act

    • Introduction

    • 1 - What are permissions and How are they granted?

    • Definition Flipcards

    • Section 28 Definitions

    • 2 - Enforcement Powers

    • Learning Check-In

    • Learning Check-In for MAC User

  • 03

    Module 3 - Section 29 - Conservation Authorities Act

    • Introduction

    • Section 29 Officers

    • Link to elaws

    • Learning Check-In

    • Learning Check-In for MAS User

    • Submission

  • 04

    Module 4 - Trespass To Property Act

    • Introduction

    • 1 - TPA Intro

    • 2 - Definitions TPA

    • 3 - Offences TPA

    • 4 - Giving Notice TPA

    • 5 - No Notice and Implied permission TPA

    • Learning Check-In

    • Learning Check-In (Mac User)

  • 05

    Module 5 - Court Overview & Trial Process

    • Introduction

    • 1 - Introduction to the Court System

    • 2 - Court Environment

    • 3 - Roles of Various People

    • 4 - Prosecutor Brief

    • 5 - Guilty Pleas and Expert Witnesses

    • 6 - Trial Process

    • Learning Check-In

    • Learning Check-In

  • 06

    PART III Summons Submission

    • Introduction

    • Submission Area

  • 07

    Final Exam

    • Explanation for Final Exam

    • Final Exam - Good Luck!

  • 08

    How to Download Your Certificate

    • Certificate Download Instructions